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Welcome to my Adventure!


Not many people have the opportunity to do what I get to, meet great people, and experience life on my terms. I love life and I love living it. I start each morning with yoga, meditation and chai tea.  I have found these things ground me and have been exceptionally good for my mental health.


I have learned so much about myself through the company I've found along the way.  I am looking forward to learning from you.  I am very open-minded, I choose to see people for who they show me they are and not what they, or other's, tell me. I enjoy good company and great conversation.  I try to learn something from everyone that I come into contact with.  I love to try new things and I love to go to new places.  I love the woman I am and love my journey that is unfolding as I learn to know myself and others better.

As for my personality, I am very honest and direct.  I say what I mean and I mean what I say.  I would rather be honest than pretend to be someone I am not. I am well-rounded and witty...I do not have much patience for ditsy, especially when it is me.  I do like to have fun, I am curious about life and I love to laugh.   I do see the glass as half full, I just don't see a point in worrying about things I cannot change.  I am a realist, but I try to see the good in the bad things.  I believe in Karma, and I try to put good into the world around me.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know a little bit about me.  I can’t wait until I get to learn a little about you…soon.

Lana Leggiere

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